Hotel Room Occupancy Rate June 2021 is 32.90 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bekasi Municipality

Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bekasi, Jl. Rawa Tembaga I No. 6 Bekasi

Hotel Room Occupancy Rate June 2021 is 32.90 percent

Release Date : August 2, 2021
File Size : 0.69 MB


  • Hotel Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) in Jawa Barat in June 2021 reached 32.90 percent, up 2.32 points compared to May 2021 TPK which reached 30.58 percent. Both the ROR for star and non-star hotels have increased.
  • The TPK for star hotels in June 2021 was 38.19 percent, up 2.47 points compared to the TPK in May 2021 which reached 35.72 percent. The highest ROR according to star hotel class was recorded at 5-star hotels at 43.20 percent, while the lowest ROR occurred in 1-star hotels at 20.53 percent.
  • The ROR for non-star hotels in June 2021 was 19.31 percent, up 0.90 points compared to May 2021 which was recorded at 18.41 percent. The highest ROR for non-star hotels occurred in hotels with 25-40 room groups of 21.63 percent. Meanwhile, the lowest TPK for non-star hotels of 13.07 percent occurred in hotels with <10 room groups.
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